CRC Calculations

CRC is used to provide extra packet validity.
Calculation of the Cyclic Redundancy Check value is as follows:

Load a word register with 0xFFFF and call it CRCREG
Now repeat the following for each character (byte) in the Modbus packet
      XOR the low byte of the word register with the next (or first) character in the buffer
      Repeat the following for the whole character
            Get the state of the lsb of CRCREG Low byte
            Shift the CRCREG right by one bit shifting in a zero in the msb
            If the bit shifted out is a logical 1
XOR CRCREG with 0xA001
CRCREG contains the CRC of the packet

Example C Code:

int CalcCRC( char * ModbusBuffer, int StringLength)
  unsigned char CRCREGLO = 0xff;
  unsigned char CRCREGHI = 0xff;
  char CarryBit1, CarryBit2;
  int CRC;
  int Index = 0;
  int IndexB = 0;
  if( StringLength == 0)
      return( 0);
  for(Index = 0; Index < StringLength; Index++)
      CRCREGLO ^= (unsigned char) ModbusBuffer[Index];
      for(IndexB = 0; IndexB < 8; IndexB++)
          CarryBit1 = CRCREGHI & 0x01;
          CarryBit2 = CRCREGLO & 0x01;
          CRCREGHI >>= 1;
          CRCREGHI &= 0x7f;
          CRCREGLO >>= 1;
          CRCREGLO &= 0x7f;
          if( CarryBit1 == 1)
                CRCREGLO |= 0x80;
          if( CarryBit2 != 0)
                CRCREGLO ^= 0x01;
                CRCREGHI ^= 0xA0;
  CRC <<= 8;
  CRC &= 0xff00;
  return( CRC);

Example 2:
Building a packet to send to a slave asking for its ID

int AskForStatusFunction(char * ModbusBuffer, char NodeAddress)
  int BytesWritten, BytesToSend, error, CRC;
  BytesToSend = 0;
  ModbusBuffer[BytesToSend++] = NodeAddress;
  ModbusBuffer[BytesToSend++] = 17; // function 17 ID
  CRC = CalcCRC( ModbusBuffer, BytesToSend);
  ModbusBuffer[BytesToSend+1] = (char) CRC;
  CRC >>= 8;
  ModbusBuffer[BytesToSend++] = (char) CRC;
  BytesWritten = 0;
  while( BytesWritten < BytesToSend)
      error = TransmitCommChar( PortID, ModbusBuffer[BytesWritten]);
      if( error == 0)
  return( BytesWritten);

Example 3:
Checking a received packet's CRC

int CheckReceivedCRC( char * ModbusBuffer, int StringLength)
  // Used to calculate the CRC of a received packet
  // returns zero if the CRC is incorrect or 1 if it is correct.
  int CRC;
  if( StringLength < 2)
  StringLength -= 2;
  CRC = CalcCRC( ModbusBuffer, StringLength);
  if( ModbusBuffer[ StringLength] != (char)(CRC & 0x00ff))
  CRC >>= 8;
  if( ModbusBuffer[ StringLength] != (char)(CRC & 0x00ff))