Working temperature 0 to +60 °C
Functional temperature -25 to +70 °C
Storage temperature -40 to +85 °C
Temperature coefficient 0.03% per °C (300ppm/°C)
Relative humidity 95% non condensing
Class of climate HSE complying with DIN40040-3 complying with VDE/VDI3540
U.L. Approval File No E157034
Applied Standards
General IEC144/BS5420/VDE/VDI0435/IEC947/EN60947
Safety EN61010-1 DIN57411/VDE0411 ANSI C37
Surge withstand IEC801/EN55020 ANSI C37-90a
Radio screening RFI degree N complying with VDE0875
EMC Emissions EN61326-1
Immunity EN61326-2
Fixing - Snap on to DIN rail 35 x 7.5 mm complying with DIN-EN50022 BS5584
Mounting - Any position
Enclosure Code - Case IP50/terminals IP30 complying with IEC529 BS5490 DIN40050
Test Voltage:
4kV RMS 50Hz 1min. between Input/Case/Auxiliary
Impulse Test:
EMC 5kV transient complying with IEC801/EN55020
HF interference:
EHF 2.5kV 1MHz complying with IEC255-4
Class II complying with IEC348
Relay Output
Type: Dual pole change-over.
Material: Silver / Cadmium
Contact resistance: 200mOhm max Typically <50m Ohm
Rating AC: 250V 5A non resistive 1200VA
Rating DC: 125V 1A resistive 120 watts
Electrical life: 1e6 operations at above load
Mechanical life: 5e6 operations at above load
Operating time: approx. 7ms (20ms max)
Dielectric strength:
Between coil and contacts: 5kV RMS 1min
Between open contacts: 1kV RMS 1min
Between adjacent contacts: 1kV RMS 1min
Insulation resistance: 1000MOhm at 500V DC
Operating temperature: -30 to +75 °C
Approval: UL and CSA recognised
Selection Guide
M200-V1U Single phase under voltage
M200-V1O Single phase over voltage
M200-V1C Single phase combined voltage
M200-V33U three phase three wire under voltage
M200-V33O three phase three wire over voltage
M200-V33C three phase three wire combined
M200-V34U three phase four wire under voltage
M200-V34O three phase four wire over voltage
M200-V34C three phase four wire combined voltage
Typical Applications
The M200 AC voltage relay provides voltage monitoring and protection in both single and three phase systems.
They are used in applications such as mains failure, regulation of power supplies and to protect voltage sensitive equipment.
Under, over and combined under/over units are available.
The relay operates when the externally adjustable trip point is reached. An external differential control is provided with adjustment 1-15%. The differential ensures that the parameter being measured returns to % set above or below (depending on whether it is under or over unit) the trip point before the relay returns to its original state.
As is common with al/the M200 relays; on over units the relay energises when the input signal exceeds the trip point.
On under units the relay de-energises when the input signal goes below the trip point.
A red LED indicates the state of the relay, whilst a green LED indicates the condition of the power supply.
Ordering Information
Product Code Input Freq Options
M200-V34U/D 230V 50Hz 5 sec t/d
On all of the above units, except the combined, an internally set time delay is available for any value between 1 & 10 seconds. To order use the above codes adding a D at the end of the code, e.g. M200-V34U/D 5 seconds (state the fixed delay period).
To prevent nuisance tripping when there is a slight variation in the voltage supply the following option is available. The external differential is replaced on the following products with an externally adjustable time delay. On these units the time delay is adjustable from 200ms to 10 seconds, and the differential is fixed at 1%.
M200- V1X Single phase under voltage
M200-V1Y Single phase over voltage
M200-V1W Single phase combined voltage
M200-V33X three phase three wire under voltage
M200- V33Y three phase three wire over voltage
M200-V33W three phase three wire combined voltage
M200-V34X three phase four wire under voltage
M200- V34Y three phase four wire over voltage
M200- V34W three phase four wire combined voltage
3. Calibration at temperatures other than 23º C
Technical Specification
Rated value Un Single phase 57.8 <500 V
Three phase 100 <500 V
Frequency 50/60/400 Hz
Burden <2.5 VA per phase single units
<3 VA per phase combined units
Overload 1.5x Un continuous
2 x Un for 3 seconds
Range under Adjustable 75% to 100% Un
Range over Adjustable 100% to 125% Un
Repeatability Better than 0.5% of full span
Differential Adjustable 1 to 15%
Operating time Typically 200ms
All units self powered.
Single units Approx. 0.4kg. 55mm case
Combined units Approx. 0.6kg. 100 mm case
Selection Guide
M200-A1U Single phase under current
M200-A1O Single phase over current
M200-A1C Single Phase combined current
M200-A3U three phase under current
M200-A3O three Phase over current
Typical Applications
The M200 AC current relays provide current monitoring and protection in both single and three phase systems.
They are used in applications such as motor protection, load detection and generator control.
Under over and combined under/over units are available.
The relay operates when the adjustable trip point is reached. An externally adjustable time delay is provided to prevent nuisance tripping. As is common with all the M200 relays, on over units the relay energises when the input signal exceeds the trip point.
On under units the relay de-energises when the input signal goes below the trip point.
A red LED indicates the state of the relay, whilst a green LED indicates the condition of the power supply.
Ordering Information
Product Code Input Freq. Aux. Options
M200-A30 5A 50Hz 230V
1.Adjustable time delay max 30 seconds
2.AC Auxiliary in the range 57.7 to 480 volts
3.Calibration at nominal Hz 35 450Hz
4.Calibration at temperature other than 23º C
Technical Specification
Rated value In 1A or 5A from CT 0.2 to
10 Amp direct connected
Frequency 50 /60 /400 Hz
Burden <0.5 VA per phase
Overload 2 x In continuous
10 x In for 3 seconds
Range Over Adjustable 40% to 120% In
Range Under Adjustable 0% to 80% In
Repeatability Better than 0.5% of full span
Differential Fixed 5%
Time Delay Adjustable 200ms to 10s
AC Voltage 115/230/400V( ± 25% /45-65 Hz / <2 VA)
DC Voltage 24 volt ( ± 20% /galvanically isolated) <3 watt
Single units Approx. 0.4kg. 55mm case
Combined units Approx. 0.6kg. 100mm case
Selection Guide
M200-F1U Single or three phase under frequency
M200-F1O Single or three phase over frequency
M200-F1C Single or three phase combined frequency
Typical Applications
The M200 series frequency relays are designed to monitor the frequency of a system.
If the frequency deviates outside the adjustable pre-set limits the relay will operate.
Typically used in protecting generators against over or under speed.
Other uses such as monitoring mains power supplies, computer supplies etc.
The user is provided with adjustment of both the trip point of the frequency being monitored and the differential.
As is common with all the M200 relays; on over units the relay energises when the input signal exceeds the trip point. On under units the relay de-energises when the input signal goes below the trip point.
A red LED indicates the state of the relay, whilst a green LED indicates the condition of the power supply.
The frequency relays monitor their own power supply so no auxiliary power is necessary.
Ordering Information
Product Code Input V Nominal Freq. Options
M200-F1C 230v 50Hz
On all of the above units an internal set time delay is available for any value between 1 & 10 seconds.
To order use the above code, adding a D at the end of the code, e.g. M200-F1U/D 7 seconds (state the fixed delay period)
2. AC auxiliary in range 57.7 to 480 volts
3. Calibration at temperature other than 23º C
To prevent nuisance tripping when there is a slight variation in the frequency, the following option is available
The external differential is replaced with an external time delay. On these units the time delay is adjustable from 200ms to 10 seconds, and the differential is fixed at 1%.
M200-F1X Single or three phase under frequency
M200-F1Y Single or three phase over frequency
M200-F1W Single or three phase combined frequency
Technical Specification
Rated value Un 57.8<500V+ 25%
Rated Frequency 50/60/400 Hz
Burden <25 VA
Overload 1.5 x Un continuous
2 x Un for 3 seconds
Range 50Hz nominal Adjustable 40 to 60Hz
Range 60Hz nominal Adjustable 50 to 70Hz
Range 400Hz nominal Adjustable 360 to 440Hz
Differential 50 & 60Hz Adjustable 0.3 to 3Hz
Differential 400Hz Adjustable 3 to 30Hz
Repeatability Better than 0.5% of full span
Operating time Typically 200 ms
All units self powered
Single units Approx. 0.4kg. 55mm case
Combined units Approx. 0.6kg. 100mm case
Selection Guide
M200-RP1 Single phase or three phase four wire
M200-RP3 three phase three wire
Typical Applications
The M200 reverse power relay is used to monitor the direction of power from AC generators.
If the current in the system being monitored is reversed, to a value greater than the customer adjustable pre-set limit, the relay will energise.
The adjustable trip point is 2 to 20% of input current.
An adjustable time delay of 0 to 20 seconds is provided.
Correct setting of the trip point and time delay will ensure protection against motoring in the event of a generator failure and prevent tripping due to transients encountered during synchronising.
A red LED indicates the state of the relay and a green LED indicates the condition of the power supply
Ordering Information
Product Code In Input Un Input Freq.
M200-RP3 1 Amp 400V 50Hz
1. Adjustable time delay max 30 seconds
2. AC auxiliary in range 57.7 to 480 volts
3. Calibration at nominal Hz 35 450Hz
4. Calibration at temperature other than 23 C
Technical Specification
Rated value Un 57.8 <500V ± 25%
Rated value In C. T operated 1 or 5A amp direct connection 0.2 to 10A
Frequency 50 / 60 /400Hz
Burden <3VA voltage < 0.5 VA current
Overload 1.5 x Un 2 x In continuous
2x Un 10 x In for 3 seconds
Range 2% to 20% reverse current
Repeatability Better than 0.5% of full span
Time delay Adjustable 200ms to 20 sec
Hysteresis 1%
All units self powered
Approx. 0.6kg. 100mm case
Selection Guide
M200-PLL 1 generator 1 bus or 2 generators
M200-PLD 1 generator 1 bus with dead bus facility
Both units can be used on single or three phase systems.
Typical Applications
The M200-PLL & PLD are synchronising check relays, also known as paralleling relays. They are used to ensure that two AC supplies are synchronised.
For a system to be synchronised, frequency, phase angle and voltage have to within pre-set limits.
The M200-PLL can monitor either mains bus bar and incoming generator or two generators. The PLL has customer adjustment of the differential voltage between 10 to 30%. This voltage corresponds to 6 to 20 electrical degrees. The unit compares the input voltage and phase relationship of the bus bar to that of the generator when the signal is within the pre-set limits, the relay energises.
The M200-PLD operates as the M200-PLL but has the additional feature of the dead bus facility. This enables the relay to energise with a generator supply only, which is a common requirement when mains failure occurs.
Ordering Information
Product Code System Voltage Freq. Options
M200-PLD 400V 50Hz Cal at 350C
1. Calibration at temperature other than 230 C
Technical Specification
Rated value Un 57.8<500V± 25%
Frequency 50 /60/400 Hz
Burden <4VA terminals marked GEN
<2VA terminals marked BUS
Overload 1.5x Un continuous
10x Un for 3 seconds
Range Adjustable 10% to 30% of nominal system voltage (6-20 electrical degrees)
Repeatability Better than 0.5% of full span
Differential Fixed at 5%
Operating time Typically 500ms
Both units self powered.
Approx. 0.6kg. 100mm case
Selection Guide
M200-PS1 three phase 3 or four wire
Typical Applications
The M200-PS1 provides phase and sequence phase failure protection.
Used to ensure the sequence is correct when connecting three phase loads.
With an incorrect phase sequence the relay will de-energise preventing the starting of incorrectly connected machinery. The relay will also trip if there is a phase loss and can therefore be used as a phase failure relay. Note if regenerated voltage is present in the open phase the M200-PB1 or M200-PB2 should be used.
The red LED "ON" indicates phase sequence incorrect and relay is de-energised.
The green LED "ON" indicates phase sequence correct and relay is energised.
Ordering Information
Product Code Input Un Freq. Options
M200-PS1 415v 50Hz Cal 35º C
1. Calibration at nominal Hz 35…450Hz
2. Calibration at temperature other than 23º C
Technical Specification
Rated value Un 57.8 < 500V ± 25%
Frequency 50/60/400 Hz
Burden <3VA
Overload 1.5x Un continous
2 x Un for 3 seconds
Not adjustable
Self powered.
Approx. 0.4kg. 55mm case
Selection Guide
M200-PB1 Detects phase loss & phase unbalance
M200-PB2 Detects phase loss, phase unbalance & symmetrical under-voltage
Typical Applications
The M200-PB1 can detect phase unbalance, phase loss, phase reversal and phase sequence in 3 or four wire systems.
The phase balance relays are used to detect phase loss and unbalance in systems using motors, generators, heater elements, transformers etc.
A Phase unbalance as small as 10% in a three phase motor can cause the temperature in the motor winding to increase by more than 120%; correct setting of the PB1/PB2 will ensure this does not occur. Protection against open phase regenerated voltage, created if a single phase should fail is also provided.
Customer adjustment of unbalanced voltage between 5 to 15% is provided along with time delay adjustment of 200ms to 10 seconds.
If the system being monitored is healthy, the relay is energised, and the red LED will be illuminated. If a phase unbalance greater than the pre-set level or phase loss / reversal occurs, the relay de-energises after the time delay period.
The M200-PB2 provides all the protection features of the PB1 with the additional benefit of having symmetrical under voltage protection. This means that if all the phase voltages remain balanced but drop below a pre-set value, the relay will de-energise. The under voltage is internally set.
For standard units it is set at 85% below the nominal voltage, but this value can optionally be between 70% and 90%
Ordering Information
Product Code Un Input Freq. Option
M200-PB2 415 v 50Hz Under Volts at 70%
Technical Specification
Rated value Un 57.8<500V± 25%
Frequency 50/60/400 Hz
Burden <2VA
Overload 1.5x Un
2x Un
Range Adjustment 5 to 15% unbalanced voltage
Repeatability Better than 0.5% of full span
Under-voltage PB2 only, pre-set 85% of nominal voltage (optional 90% to 70%)
Time delay Adjustable 200 ms to 10 sec
Self powered
Approx. 0.4kg. 55mm case
Selection Guide
M200-ST3 Speed sensing relay
Typical Applications
The M200-ST3 is most commonly used to detect the speed of engines used in generating sets.
The pick-up, situated close to the flywheel, produces a high frequency pulse train directly proportional to the number of teeth passing it. The frequency is converted by the ST3 into a mA signal directly proportional to the rotational speed of the flywheel.
The relay provides the user with the following adjustments, which allows the control of start up and normal running and protects against over and under speeds of the generator.
Adjustment of crank speed 10 to 50%
Adjustment of under speed 50 to 100%
Adjustment of over speed 100 to 133%
A mA output signal proportional to input frequency.
Typical start-up as follows -
When the speed of the motor reaches the crank's set-point, the crank relay energises, disengaging the crank starter. When the under speed set-point is reached, the under speed relay is energised and the motor is now in the normal running condition with all relays energised. Should an under or over speed condition occur the appropriate relay is de-energised. Two other safety features are incorporated; if the pick-up sensor input lead breaks the over speed relay will de-energise also the crank relay will only de-energise when the input frequency goes below 20% of the set-point. The mA output signal can be fed to digital or analogue meters scaled in speed, or to provide a control signal to a PLC etc.
Ordering Information
Product Code M200-ST3
Normal running speed 1800 rpm
Number of teeth on flywheel 50
Magnetic pick up output voltage 10 volt pk-pk
Technical Specification
Pulses 5V-75V peak to peak
Frequency 1000-10000 Hz (speed of rotation
RPM x number of teeth / 60)
Open circuit protection Over-speed relay de-energised
Rated value 0-1mA = 133% of nominal speed
Load resistance < lOk Ohm
Calibration Value 0.75mA = 100% of nominal speed
Range Crank 10 to 50%
Under 50 to 100%
Over 100 to 130%
Repeatability Better than 0.5% of full span
Hysteresis 2% (under, over) crank resets at 20% setting
Operating time Typically 200 ms
DC Voltage 24 VDC ±20%
Approx. 0.5kg. l00mm case
The 3 relays in this product are single pole changeover. The remainder of this specification is as per general specification.
Selection Guide
M200-TAU DC volts or mA under trip
M200-TAO DC volts or mA over trip
M200-TAC DC volts or mA combined trip
Typical Applications
The M200 DC transducer trips have endless applications.
As the name implies they are designed to accept inputs from transducers and transmitters, and provide a relay operation when the transducer signal deviates outside a pre-set limit. Any of the M100 series transducers can be used with the transducer trip.
A typical application is to control power using a M100-WA5 with a 4-20mA signal fed to a M200-TAO. For example the output goes above a pre-set limit of 80%, the TAO relay will close, setting off an alarm or shutting down a process.
Either DC voltage or DC current inputs can be used.
As is common with all the M200 relays, on over units the relay energises when the input signal exceeds the trip point and on under units the relay de-energises when the input signal goes below the trip point.
A red LED indicates the state of the relay, whilst a green LED indicates the condition of the power supply.
Ordering Information
Product Code Input Vn or In Aux Freq
M200-TAC 1mA 110v 50Hz
1. Adjustable time delay max 30 seconds
2. AC auxiliary in the range 57.7 to 480 volts
3.Calibration at nominal Hz 35…..450Hz
4.Calibration at temperature other than 23º C
Technical Specification
Rated value In 0<20mA or 4- 20mA
Voltage drop 1 volt
Rated value Un 1<50 volt or 1-5 volt
Impedance 10k Ohm / Volt
Overload 2xIn 1.5x Un continuous
10x In 2x Un for 3 seconds
Range Over Adjustable 40% to 120% for both voltage and current input.
Range Under Adjustable 0% to 80% for both voltage and current input.
Repeatability Better than 0.5% of full span
Time delay Adjustable 200 ms to 10 seconds
Differential Fixed 5%
AC Voltage 115/230/400 V± 25% / 45-65Hz / 2VA
DC voltage 24 volt (± 20% / galvanically isolated)<3 watt
Single units Approx. 0.4kg. 55mm case
Combined unit Approx. 0.6 kg. 100mm case
Selection Guide
M200-TJU J type thermocouple under trip
M200-TJO J type thermocouple over trip
M200-TKU K type thermocouple under trip
M200-TKO K type thermocouple over trip
Typical Applications
Designed to monitor thermocouples and provide a relay signal if the temperature being monitored exceeds the pre-set limit. J and K type thermocouples inputs are available covering a wide range of temperatures.
As is common with all the M200 relays, on over units the relay energises when the input signal exceeds the trip point and on under units the relay de-energises when the input signal goes below the trip point.
A red LED indicates the state of the relay, whilst a green LED indicates the condition of the power supply.
Ordering Information
Product Code Temp range Aux Freq Options
M200-TJO 0-300ºC 120V 60Hz 0-30 sec T/D
1. Adjustable time delay max 30 seconds
2. AC auxiliary in the range 57.7 to 480 volts
3. Calibration at temperature other than 23º C
Technical Specification
Type J Fe/const Min range 0-185ºC (min span 10mV)
Max range 0-870ºC (max span 50mV)
Type K NiCr/NiAl Min range 0-245ºC (min span 10mV)
Max range 0-1230ºC (max span 50mV)
Thermocouple: Break protection, upscale energise
Cold junction compensation: Automatic over range 0-50 C
Overload 10 x Input continuous
Range Over Adjustable 40% to 120% for both voltage and current input
Range Under Adjustable 0% to 80% for both voltage and current input
Repeatability Better than 0.5% of full span
Time delay Adjustable 200ms to 10 seconds
Differential Fixed 2%
AC Voltage 115/230/400V ± 25% / 45-65Hz / 2VA
DC Voltage 24 volt (± 20% / galvanically isolated) <3 Watt
Approx. 0.4kg 55mm case
Selection Guide
M200-TTA Automatic reset
M200-TTM Manual reset
Typical Applications
The M200 thermistor trip accepts positive temperature coefficient thermistor inputs.
Typically used to monitor temperature in motor windings.
When the thermistor is below its predetermined temperature the resistance is low and the M200-TTA / TTM relay is energised. When the temperature exceeds the predetermined temperature, the resistance of the thermistor rapidly increases, this increase in temperature is detected by M200-TTA/TTM and the relay is de-energised. Once the relay has de-energised it will stay de-energised regardless of the temperature being monitored. The relay can only be reset via the reset push button on the front of the unit.
The M200-TTM is manually reset.
The M200-TTA automatically resets once the temperature has dropped below the trip point
A green LED indicates the safe condition.
A yellow LED is provided to indicate the condition of the power supply.
Ordering Information
Product Code Aux Freq Options
M200-TTA 230V 50Hz
1. AC auxiliary in the range 57.7 to 480 volts
2. Calibration at temperature other than 23 C
Technical Specification
Positive temperature coefficient thermistors <1500 Ohms max at nominal temperature.
Sensors can be connected in series but 1500 ohm must not be exceeded.
Trip point 2500-3500 Ohms
Reset point 1500-2300 Ohms
Total resistance of sensor loop 1500 Ohms max at nominal temperature
Differential Fixed 5%
Repeatability Better than 5% of range
M200-TTA Automatic
M200-TTM Manual via push switch on front of product
AC Voltage 115/230/400V ± 25% / 45-65Hz / 2VA
DC Voltage 24 volt (± 20% / non isolated) <3 watt
Approx. 0.3kg 55mm case
Selection Guide
M200-RT3 3 Input RTD temperature trip
Typical Applications
The M200-RT3 monitors 3 individual RTDs (resistance temperature detectors) and provides LED indication as to which RTD is at the highest temperature, as well as a mA output signal that is proportional to the temperature of the highest RTD. The mA output signal can be fed to an analogue or digital meter scaled in temperature or to a computer system. The three relays are provided with customer adjustable set points, as the temperature rises each relay will energise when the set point is reached. Three LED's are provided to show the state of each relay, when the relay energises the red LED is illuminated. A green LED is provided to indicate the condition of the power supply. Typical applications included monitoring of temperature in transformer windings and large three phase motor windings. Typically a unit could be monitoring 3 inputs from a Pt 100 RTDs over the range of 0-200 °C, the first set point could be set at 80 °C and when this point is reached the relay could switch on a cooling fan. The second relay could be adjusted for 130 °C and when this temperature is reached the relay could set off an alarm. The third relay could be adjusted to 180 °C and when this temperature is reached the relay could shut down the complete system.
Ordering Information
Product Code
Technical Specification
2 or three wire Copper Cu 10 Ohm RTD Range 0-200 °C Platinum Pt 100 Ohm RTD Range 0-200 °C
Rated value 0-1mA
Load resistance Maximum 5k Ohms
Adjustment range 50% to 100% of input temperature range for all 3 set points.
Repeatability better than 0.5% of full span Differential fixed 2% of range
Relay type Single pole change over
Rating AC 250V 5A non resistive 1200VA
Rating DC 125V 1A resistive load 120 watts Mechanical life 5 x 106
AC Voltage 120/240V ± 25% / 45-65Hz / 2VA
Approx. 0.6kg 100mm case
Selection Guide
M200-RT6 6 Input RTD temperature trip
Typical Applications
The M200-RT6 monitors 6 individual RTDs (resistance temperature detectors) and provides LED indication as to which RTD is at the highest temperature. Each RTD has an associated LED which illuminates when the temperature exceeds the trip point. A green LED is provided to indicate the condition of the power supply. Typical applications included monitoring of temperature in transformer windings and large three phase motor windings. Typically, a unit could be monitoring 6 inputs from a Pt 100 RTDs over the range of 0-200 °C, the set point could be set at 110 °C and when this point is reached the relay could switch on an alarm.
Ordering Information
Product Code
Technical Specification
2 or three wire Copper Cu 10 Ohm RTD Range 0-200 °C Platinum Pt 100 Ohm RTD Range 0-200 °C
Adjustment range 50% to 100% of input temperature.
Repeatability better than 0.5% of full span Differential fixed 2% of range
Relay type Single pole change over
Rating AC 250V 5A non resistive 1200VA
Rating DC 125V 1A resistive load 120 watts Mechanical life 5 x 106
AC Voltage 120/240V ± 25% / 45-65Hz / 2VA
Approx. 0.6kg 100mm case
Selection Guide
M200-MVU mVunder trip
M200-MVO mV over trip
M200-MVC mV combined trip
Typical Applications
The mV trip relays will accept DC millivolt signals from shunts, sensors and transducers.
A common application is to protect equipment from over current in a DC charging system. For example using a 400A to 75mV shunt. The 75mV signal is fed to the M200-MVO if the customer wishes to ensure the current does not exceed 300 amps then the MVO trip would be set at 75% (56.25mV). If the current goes above 300 Amps the relay would energise. As is common with all the M200 relays, on over units the relay energises when the input signal exceeds the trip point and on under units the relay de-energises when the input signal goes below the trip point.
A red LED indicates the state of the relay, whilst a green LED indicates the condition of the power supply.
Ordering Information
Product Code Input Aux Freq Options
M200-MVU 75mV 230V 50Hz Cal 40ºC
1.Adjustable time delay max 30 seconds
2.AC auxiliary in the range 577 to 480 volt
3.Calibration at temperature other than 23º C
Technical Specification
Rated value mV dc l0-999.9mV dc
Input Impedance 50k Ohm
Source impedance 100 ohms max
Overload 10 x Input continuous
Range Over Adjustable 40% to 120%
Range Under Adjustable 0% to 80%
Repeatability Better than 0.5% of full span
Time delay Adjustable 200 ms to 10 seconds
Differential Fixed 5%
AC Voltage 115/230/400V ± 25% / 45-65 Hz / <2VA
DC Voltage 24V (± 20% galvanically isolated) < 3 W
Single units Approx. 0.4kg 55mm case
Combined units Approx. 0.6kg 100mm case
Selection Guide
M200-TVU DC volts under trip
M200- TVO DC volts over trip
M200-TVC DC volts combined trip
Typical Applications
The M200 DC voltage trips are commonly used for monitoring battery voltage conditions but can be used in any application where the dc voltage level is critical. The user is provided with an adjustable set-point of 0-80% on under units and 40-120% on over units. The differential is internally set at 5%; no time delay is provided.
As is common with all M200 relays, on over units the relay energises when the input signal exceeds the trip point and on under units the relay de-energises when the input signal goes below the trip point.
A red LED indicates the state of the relay whilst a green LED indicates the state of the power supply.
Ordering Information
Product Code Input Vn Aux Freq Options
M200-TVU 24V 110V 50Hz
1. AC auxiliary in the range 57.7 to 480 volts
2. Calibration at nominal Hz 35 to 450Hz
3. Calibration at temperature other than 23º C
Technical Specification
Rated value Un 1<50 volt
Impedance 10k Ohm / Volt
Overload 1.5 x Un continuous
2 x Un for 3 seconds
Range Over Adjustable 40% to 120%
Range Under Adjustable 0% to 80%
Repeatabiltiy Better than 0.5% of full span
Differential Fixed 5%
AC Voltage 115/230/400V ± 25% / 45-65Hz / 2VA
DC Voltage 24 volt (± 20% / galavanically isolated)<3 watt
Single units Approx. 0.4kg. 55mm case size
Combined unit Approx. 0.6kg. 100mm case size