Working temperature 0 to +60 °C
Functional temperature -25 to +70 °C
Storage temperature -55 to +85 °C
Temperature coefficient 0.02% per °C (100ppm/°C)
Relative humidity 95% non condensing
Class of climate HSE complying with DIN40040-3 complying with VDE/VDI3540
Class ±0.2 % complying with IEC688
Calibration temperature 23°C
Temperature coefficient 0.01% / °C (100 ppm / °C)
Stability 0.05 % per annum non cumulative
Warm up time <15 min
Rated value
See individual product pages.
Load resistance (current output)
1mA <15 kOhm
5mA <3 kOhm
10mA <1.5 kOhm
20mA < 0.75kOhm
4-20mA < 0.75kOhm
Load resistance (voltage output)
1V, 5V & 10V >1 kOhm
(M100-VA1,VA3) 1V, 5V & 10V > 50kOhm
Load influence < 0.1 %
Ripple < 0.5% peak-peak at full load
Response time < 200 ms for 0-99 % at full load
Overload < 2 x rated value at full load
No load voltage < 27 V
U.L. Approval File No E157034
Test Voltage:
4kV RMS 50Hz 1min. between Input/Case/Auxiliary/Output
Impulse Test:
EMC 5kV transient complying with IEC801/EN55020
HF interference:
EHF 2.5kV 1MHz complying with IEC255-4
Class II complying with IEC348 BS4753/DIN57411/VDE 0411
Fixing - Snap on to DIN rail 35 x 7.5 mm complying with DIN-EN50022 BS5584
Mounting - Any position
Enclosure Code - Case IP50/terminals IP30 complying with IEC529 BS5490 DIN40050
Applied Standards
General IEC688/BS6253/VDE/VDI2192
Safety EN61010-1 DIN57411/VDE0411 ANSI C37
Surge withstand IEC801/EN55020 ANSI C37-90a
Radio screening RFI degree N complying with VDE0875
EMC Emissions EN61326-1
Immunity EN61326-2
M100 Frequency Transducer
Selection Guide
M100-FA1 Self powered true zero outputs
M100-FL1 Auxiliary powered live zero outputs
M100-FX1 Auxiliary powered true zero outputs
Typical Applications
The M100 series of frequency transducers are designed to measure frequency in single and three phase systems.
The A.C. input is converted to a D.C. output, that is directly proportional to the change in input frequency within a specified span.
The M100-FA1 is self powered (no auxiliary required).
The working voltage range is 75-125% of the nominal voltage.
The M100-FL1 is auxiliary powered.
The outputs are live zero either 4mA or 1V.
The auxiliary enables the working voltage range to be 15-125%.
The M100-FX1 is essentially the same as the FA1 but an auxiliary is provided to enable the unit to have a working voltage range of 15-125%.
All types of the above frequency transducers are typically used to monitor and control frequency in such applications as three phase mains supplies, A.C. generating sets and process control etc.
Ordering Information
Product code Input Hz Output Aux Freq. Options
M100-FL1 45-55Hz 4-20mA 230V 50Hz
1. Non standard inputs / outputs only as far as technically acceptable.
2. A.C. Auxiliary in range 57.7 to 450 volts
3. Calibration at temperature other than 23°C
Technical Specification
Rated value Un 57.8 < 600V
Power consumption <1.5 VA (FA1)
<1 VA (FL1 FX1)
Working range 75-125% Un (FA1)
15-125% Un (FL1 FX1)
Measuring range 45-55 / 45-65 / 55-65 / 360-440Hz
Overload continuous 1.5 x Un
Overload for 1 sec. 2 x Un
Rated value mA 0-1 / 5 / 10 / 20mA (FA1 FX1)
Rated value mA 4-20mA (FL1)
Rated value volts 0-5 / 10 V (FA1 FX1)
Rated value volts 1-5 V (FL1)
Zero No adjustment
Span No adjustment
A.C. Voltage 115 / 230 / 400 V (± 25% / 45-65 Hz / < 2 VA)
D.C. Voltage 24 / 48 / 110 V ( ±20% / galvanically isolated / <3W)
Note M100-FA1 is self powered
Approx. 0.4kg. 55mm case
M100 Extended Frequency Transducer
Selection Guide
M100-FE1 Frequency range 0-10kHz
Typical Applications
The M100-FE1 measure the frequency of the input signal and provides a DC output that is directly proportional to the input frequency.
The FE1 can accept frequency or pulse inputs over a wide range.
The frequency range is 0-10kHz, with the minimum span being 100Hz and the maximum 10kHz.
The M100-FE1 can be used in a wide variety of applications such as speed measurement using a proximity sensor, flow measurement etc.
Isolation of 1.5kV is provided between the input and the output signal allowing the output to be fed to conventional analogue meters, digital meters, PLC and computer systems.
Ordering Information
Product code I/P Hz I/P Un Output Aux Freq. Options
M100-FE1 600Hz 10V 4-20mA 230V 50Hz
1. Non standard inputs / outputs only as far as technically acceptable.
2. A.C. Auxiliary in range 57.7 to 450 volts
3. Calibration at temperature other than 23°C
Technical Specification
Input range Hz 0-100Hz minimum span
Input range Hz 0-10kHz maximum span
Working range ± 125% Hz
Voltage range 0 - 600V
Overload continuous 1.5 x Un
Rated value mA 0-1/5/10/20 & 4-20mA
Load resistance 12/2.4/1.2/0.6 kOhm
Rated value volts 0-5 / 10 & 1-5 V
Zero ± 2%
Span ± 10%
A.C. Voltage 115 / 230 / 400 V (± 25% / 45-65 Hz / < 2 VA)
D.C. Voltage 24 / 48 / 110 V ( ±20% / galvanically isolated / <3W)
Approx. 0.4kg. 55mm case
M100 Linear Integrator Transducer
Selection Guide
M100-DI1 Single relay output
M100-DI2 Double relay output
Typical Applications
The M100-DI1 is a linear integrator which accepts a D.C. input signal and integrates the input with respect to time. An ouput is provided via a relay which gives a pulsed output, the frequency of which is directly proportional to the amplitude of the input signal.
One of the main uses of the M100-DI1 is the measurement of Watt and Kilowatt hour. This is achieved by feeding the output of a watt transducer (M100-WA series) into the M100-DI1. The input signal is integrated against time and the resulting output pulses from the relay are proportional to the kW.h being consumed. These pulses then can be fed to an electromechanical counter, digital counter or a computer, where they can be stored.
Another use is the measurement of Ampere hours.
The M100- DI2 is the same as M100-DI1 with the additional feature of having 2 relay outputs, this allows the user to feed one set of pulses to a counter on a switchboard whilst feeding the other set of pulses to a remote computer in a control room.
Ordering Information
Product Code Input In Pulse Rate Aux. Freq. Opt.
M100-DI1 10mA 100/hour 230V 50Hz
1. Non standard inputs / outputs only as far as technically acceptable.
2. A.C. Auxiliary in range 57.7 to 450 volts
3. Calibration at temperature other than 23°C
Technical Specification
Rated value In 0-1 / 5 / 10 / 20 & 4-20 mA
Voltage drop 20mV
Rated value Un 0-20mV.....10V
Impedance 100 kOhm / V
Working range 0-125%
Overload continuous 1.5 x Un 4 x In
Contact volt free closure
Pulse rate 100.......5000 pulse/hr
Pulse width 250 msec
Voltage 50 V DC / 250 V AC
Rating 10W
Contact material Ruthonium
Initial resistance 200 mOhm
Initial capacitance 0.4 pF
Electrical life 5 x 106 (250 V DC / 10mA / resistance load)
Test voltage coil to contacts 4kV
Zero ± 2%
Span ± 10%
A.C. Voltage 115 / 230 / 400 V (± 25% / 45-65Hz / <2 VA)
D.C. Voltage 24 / 48 / 110 V ± 20% galvanically isolated / < 3 W)
Approx. 0.4 kg. 55mm case
M100 RTD Temperature Transducer
Selection Guide
M100-RTD RTD temperature measurement
Typical Applications
The M100-RTD monitors the resistance of either a 100 Ohm Platinum, or a 120 Ohm Nickel RTD.
The RTD's resistance increases as the temperature rises. The resistance change is detected by the M100-RTD which provides an output corresponding to the temperature being measured.
The temperature versus resistance values, are provided by the supplier of the RTD used.
RTD measurement of temperature is used in large transformers and large motors, to ensure winding temperatures do not rise to a level that would damage them.
Ordering Information
Product Code:RTD:Temp:Output:Auxiliary:Frequency
M100-RTD Pt 100 0-250°C 5 mA 230V 50Hz
1. Non standard inputs / outputs only as far as technically acceptable.
2. A.C. Auxiliary in range 57.7 to 450 volts
3. Calibration at temperature other than 23°C
Technical Specification
2 or 3 wire input
Platinum Pt 100 Ohm RTD min. span 20 Ohms ...max. span 200 Ohms
Nickel Ni 120 Ohm RTD min. span 24 Ohms....max. span 240 Ohms
Rated value mA - 0-1/5/10/20 & 4-20mA
Rated value volts - 0-5 / 10 & 1-5 V
Class ± 0.5%
Zero - ± 2%
Span - ± 10%
A.C. Voltage - 115 / 230 / 400 V (± 25% / 45-65 Hz / < 2VA)
D.C. Voltage - 24 / 48 / 110 V (± 20% / galvanically isolated / <3W)
Approx. 0.3 kg. 55mm case
No isolation is provided between input and output
M100 Thermocouple Temperature Transducer
Selection Guide
M100-TJ1 Type J thermocouple
M100-TK1 Type K thermocouple
Typical Applications
The M100-TJ1 and TK1 measure the millivolt signal from of J and K type thermocouples respectively.
Thermocouples are made from two dissimilar metals and as the temperature rises, the mV across the thermocouple increases. Thermocouple manufacturers provide tables showing temperature versus voltage characteristics of their thermocouples.
The small voltage developed corresponds to a change in temperature. The M100 TJ1 / TK1 measures this voltage change and converts it to an output signal that corresponds to the temperature being monitored. The output from the M100-TJ1/ TK1 is not linearised.
Thermocouple temperature measurement is used in a variety of applications, including monitoring of temperature of furnaces etc.
The M100 thermocouple transducer is provided with automatic cold junction temperature compensation over the range 0-50 °C.
Also provided is thermocouple break protection. Should the thermocouple leads break, the output from the transducer will go to its maximum or minimum output value, depending on which option is chosen at time of ordering.
Ordering Information
Product Code:Temperature:Output:Auxiliary:Frequency
M100-TK1 0-500°C 1 mA 120V 60Hz Up scale
1. Non standard inputs / outputs only as far as technically acceptable.
2. A.C. Auxiliary in range 57.7 to 450 volts
3. Calibration at temperature other than 23°C
4. Up or down scale break protection
Technical Specification
Type J Fe/Const. Min. range 0-185°C (min. span 10mV) Max range 0-870 °C (max. span 50mV)
Type K NiCr/NiAl Min. range 0-245 °C (min. span 10mV) Max. range 0-1230 °C (max. span 50mV)
Impedance - >10kOhm
Thermocouple Break protection
Upscale or down scale optional
Cold junction compensation - Automatic over the range 0-50 °C
Overload - 10 x input continuous
Rated value mA - 0-1/5/10/20 & 4-20mA
Load resistance - 12/2.4/1.2/0.6 kOhm
Rated value volts - 0-5 / 10 & 1-5 V
Zero - ±2%
Span - ±10%
A.C. Voltage - 115 / 230 / 400 V (± 25% / 45-65 Hz / < 2VA)
D.C. Voltage - 24 / 48 / 110 V (± 20% / galvanically isolated / <3W)
Approx. 0.4 kg. case 55mm
No isolation is provided between input and output
M100 Tap-Position Transducer
Selection Guide
M100-TAP Resistance measurement
Typical Applications
The M100-TAP transducer measures the value of resistance on tap position changers, typically used on high voltage transformers.
Each position on the selector has an equal value of resistance so that as the tap position is increased or decreased the value of resistance increases or decrease respectively.
The M100-TAP transducer measures the value of this resistance and provides an output proportional to the value of the number of taps selected.
The M100-TAP can also be used to measure variable resistance 2 or 3 wire systems.
Ordering Information
Product Code:No. Of Taps Output: Aux.:Frequency
M100-TAP 10 5 mA 230V 50Hz
1. Non standard inputs / outputs only as far as technically acceptable.
2. A.C. Auxiliary in range 57.7 to 450 volts
3. Calibration at temperature other than 23°C
Technical Specification
Rated range - min. 100 ohms.... max. 20 kOhms
Sensor current - min. 50uA.... max. 10mA
Sensor voltage - <1 Volt
Working range - 0-125% Rn
Rated value amps - 0-1/5/10/20 & 4-20mA
Rated value volts - 0-5 / 10 & 1-5 V
Zero - ±2%
Span - ±10%
A.C. Voltage - 115 / 230 / 400 V (± 25% / 45-65 Hz / < 2VA)
D.C. Voltage - 24 / 48 / 110 V (± 20% / galvanically isolated / <3W)
Approx. 0.4 kg. 55 mm case
No isolation is provided between input and output
M100 Remote Resistance Transducer
Selection Guide
M100-RPN Resistance measurement
Typical Applications
The M100-RPN is designed to measure the resistance of three wire potentiometers, where the resistance value is proportional to the position of the wiper of the potentiometer.
The output value from the M100-RPN is directly proportional to the resistance value at the wiper.
A typical application is monitoring remote resistance of potentiometer used in manual valve control.
Ordering Information
Product Code:Input:Output:Aux:Freq
M100-DS1 1mA 4-20mA 230V 50Hz
1. Non standard inputs / outputs only as far as technically acceptable.
2. A.C. Auxiliary in range 57.7 to 450V
3. Calibration at temperature other than 23°C
Technical Specification
Rated range min. 100 ohms.... max. 50 kOhms
Sensor current min. 20uA.... max. 10mA
Sensor voltage 1 Volt
Working range 0-100% RN
Rated value mA 1/5/10/20 & 4-20mA
Rated value volts 0-5 / 10 & 1-5 V
Zero 0-35%
Span 65-100%
A.C. Voltage 115 / 230 / 400 V (± 25% / 45-65Hz / < 2VA)
D.C. Voltage 24 / 48 / 110 V (± 20% /galvanically isolated / <3W)
Approx. 0.4 kg. 55mm case
No isolation is provided between input and output